2008 has been a rollercoaster of a ride for our household. The real estate industry taking a nosedive has caused our household income to plummet into the basement. The cost of living rising at the same rate of speed with which our income has fallen has caused that yucky bottom dropping out of your stomach kinda feeling you get on that first, giant, downhill slide on the Scream Machine at Six Flags Over Georgia.
Our two daughters and all that encompasses the raising of children in this day and age sends me back up that next hill with the click-click-click of the wheels on the track echoing in my head. Somehow, I feel I am too old to have kids this young.
Down we swoosh again with the flooded basement from the rain storm from the night before, woe to the mole that dug those holes at the foundation of the house.
Read the news and there are crazy people doing the unspeakable for who knows what reason. I watch as our grandmother with Alzheimer’s is slowly losing touch. We cringe each time we crank up our vehicles that love to guzzle gas. Shopping for groceries increases the anxiety level when potatoes now cost $4.99 for a 5 lb bag and coffee is now almost $13 a can!
I have listened on the phone when close friends call to say that a school friend has given up and chosen suicide, while other friends with terminal illnesses are fighting for their lives.
This year has had just as many upward swings as downward swoops.
We have spent many days and nights with the kids and their boyfriends and best friends. Been witness to the falling ins and falling outs. Celebrated the receiving of driving permits and new pets. We have had our fair share of days swimming in the pool, watching fireworks on the fourth and eating too much watermelon.
We have sat in the dark listening to the kids outside on the covered porch during stormy nights, watching the torrential rains and then hearing them all giggling after the boys scream like girls at that last loud crack and boom of lightening and thunder.
Yes, for me, it is just like a rollercoaster, scary and exhilarating at the same time. My husband would beg to differ with me. Many of these circumstances make his head feel like it is going to pop off of his shoulders.
I don’t blame him, if I were not me; I guess I would feel the same way. I instead put on my Scarlett O’Hara attitude, done my green velvet dress cut from the draperies and worry about all the crap tomorrow. Today has its own misery. I don’t have the time nor inclination to muddy up the waters with tomorrows issues.
I thank God that my bills today are paid, my stomach today is full and my family today is together, I don’t know what tomorrow brings, it has not been promised to me anyway, but today, I will not complain.