Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Did you ever notice that when you are in kind of a hurry, not full blown running behind, just kinda in a hurry that it takes very little to cause total chaos to ensue.

Today I had just enough time to leave work and run my truck through the car wash before I picked Alex up from school. I like to go to the $3 car wash on Douglas Boulevard, it takes very little time and the use of the vacuum cleaner is included in the price.

All I had time to do was run the car through the wash and then zip on down the road to the highschool. As I got my car lined up with the track that guides your vehicle through the corridor with all the wash dodads, I noticed that both of the front windows were opened just a smidge.

Crap! Ray must have opened them when he drove my truck this morning. I'm all ready for soapiness at this point so I start pushing buttons and get the windows up just in the nick of time. Then I start wondering if I actually closed my sunroof all the way or did I overshoot it and it's open a little bit as well.

It is very easy to push the button just a little too much and it will then open in a vent like position. Give it another push of a button and it will then reverse directions and open back all the way! Very tricky and I can never qet it quite right.

I decide (bad choice) to just give the button a little bump just to make sure it is closed all the way. Remember where I mentioned that if the sunroof is already properly closed it will then reverse directions and completely open if you hit the button. I had gotten it closed properly the first time and at this point, midway through the wash cycle I was now grappling with the sunroof switch to try and stop it from completely opening as I am traveling at a snails pace through a very vigorous wash cycle.

Wheww! I almost messed up, or so I thought......

My sense of peace dissolved with the water that began to drip down on me and then ran in rivulets down the sides of my windshield and across the tops of the doors and quite strangely from the middle of the compass located on the ceiling right above the rear view mirror.

The moral of the story is, when in doubt, don't touch nothin'!

My hair and clothes did not get thoroughly drenched but they were wet enough that you could tell I had been around some water. Thank goodness it was hot enough out today to dry myself and the small amount of water that did get in the truck by the time I got home.