Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Free Kittens

For the last three years Abby has been asking for a kitten. We thought that at 6 she was too young to take care of one, so we told her "not right now".

Well, like any kid determined to get her way, she didn't take no for an answer! She asked why and why not and how come, and my personal favorite "what if I promise to......." I coudn't keep up with the list of empty promises she proposed in order to get the kitten of her dreams.

I have nothing against kittens or cats, I love them. In fact I had one for about 15 years, his name was Rusty and he was one of the best pets I have ever had.

Abby was so funny in her quest to become a cat mommy that whenever we were driving down the road she would scout the intersections for signs and would always be sure to point them out. Look mom! Free kittens........F R E E, freeeeeeee. The're giving them away!!!!!

She was shocked that something so precious could be had so cheaply. What were people thinking?! This was a kitten for crying out loud. It would play with you and sleep with you and be soft and cuddly and sweet and and and......oh so many things that she couldn't name them all.

Well, yesterday while she was spending the day with her grandmother, Ray and I saw a sign for free kittens, so we called the number and went to see the little boogers.

Yes, we picked out a very cute little kitten for Abby. She was very surprised and they have been inseperable since.

For the record, since my trip to the store for the basic kitten essentials, our free kitten has only cost us a mere $56 and some change and mind you those are pre-vet dollars. Hopefully she will pulling her weight around here very soon, she can begin by finding the rouge hamster that got loose from it's cage last week.......

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