Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Woman Like Me

The following was posted on the side of my facebook page the other day:

more than 838 men near Douglasville want to meet a woman like you.

My first thought when seeing this was "What exactly is a woman like me?"  You mean to tell me that more than 838 men (near Douglasville) want to meet a married, middle aged, mother of two?  They're not setting the bar very high now are they?
I also noticed, the 3 lucky guys selected to have their pictures posted alongside this supposedly titillating ad looked like a bunch of serial killers.   In my opinion, it would do the online dating sites good to take a lesson from the auto trader and send out a photographer to snap a picture of you to post, otherwise, look what you end up with.  It's no wonder they are marketing their wares to the married gals.  Maybe they assume we are in a rut and are desperately looking for a good time.
A woman like me huh,  that would lead me to believe they are looking for someone that can cook, clean, do their wash, raise their unruly youngins and balance a budget!  That must be it, there's no other explanation.........

©  2010  Annette Bagley-Martin

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