Thursday, August 20, 2009

Blood Sugar and Bicyles

My husband Ray is a Type2 diabetic. This means that his body fails to use the insulin it produces properly. So along with a prescription and his diet he keeps his blood sugar under control.

Actually, he doesn't diet at all. He eats his foods in a certain combination as well as in smaller than what we, the general public, assume are normal portions. Most of us eat more than is actually necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

I hate that it took him getting in the worst health that he had ever been in before he did something about it, but I am glad that he is changing things. He has his blood sugar under control, his weight is dropping and he has begun to ride his bike several miles at a stretch.

Now I am not talking about 2 or 3 miles, more like 30 to 40 miles. I know, insane isn't it! I went riding with him. Once. On the Silver Comet Trail. It was a great day for riding. Rain was misting all around us as we started out and that kept us cool. We went uphill for 6 miles, it was only a 3 percent grade mind you so don't go picturing any grand ascents. Then we rode back downwards 6 miles (it seems silly to say downhill when you can't even really see the slope with the naked eye).

I had high expectations that this would be the best thing ever and something we as a family could do together. Whatever! It was certainly not the picture Ray had been painting for me this whole time he had been riding!

How hard could it possible be to pedal on a flat surface? Well let me tell you, the folks that ride quite regular on the SC Trail are not out there just peddling along. It's like golf, they are out there to beat their personal best, whatever that may be.

I was out there for a Sunday drive, Ray was out there to go 30 mph! When we finally got back to the truck I couldn't stand upright on my legs that somehow had turned to limp noodles. My backside was sore from the seat and it took a good half hour to get the feeling back in my hands. Ray? He was just getting warmed up.

Once again I realized how much we differ in our ideas of relaxation. He is head down going as fast as humanly possible, I am weaving all over the path trying to take in the scenery. He is water slides and wave pools, I am the lazy river. He is TV, TV and more TV, I am books and quilting and writing. All in all, we balance each other out pretty well.

What do we have in common? Well we both want to run away from home together alot of times and not tell the kids where we are. We both cannot wait till we have our dream house on the coast, preferably on an island. We both would be happy living in the middle of nowhere as long as I can get the internet and he can get satellite tv.

Yep, we're a pretty good match!

1 comment:

  1. Ray's going to take his dear mommy on a (all) down hill ride, he says it will be really easy. Should I believe him?
    Did I say I was going down hill?
