Monday, December 21, 2009

Four Days Til' Christmas!

Once again Christmas has rolled around long before I was quite ready for it.  I've always heard how the older you get the faster time fly's by.  Well it's true! 

I do regret that 2009 is winding down and I still haven't gotten very far on my "To Do" list. The list is not just comprised of chores mind you, it has fun things as well. Well, fun to me anyway. A "Bucket List" of sorts. I think perhaps I might make more headway if I concentrate on a top ten and then I will hopefully accomplish that which has significant meaning to me.  We shall see.

Perhaps a better approach would be for me to rely on you all to hold me accountable to my "Top Ten of 2010".  Are you up for it?  Can you bully, nag and/or inquire as to what my problem is if I do not faithfully post my progress?  I hope so, because I am no good on my own!

Here are the things that I will accomplish in the up and coming year:  (by the way, items are NOT listed in order of importance)  I will begin to work on my list before the actual new year so that I can get in the swing of things so to speak--Wish me Luck!!!!

Annette's Top 10 of 2010

10.  Be able to play at least 1 song on the banjo I have now owned for 4 years.
  9.  Grow my hair to shoulder length.  This is for Ray as he loves it best when it's not short.
  8.  Go from Jello Butt to J-Lo butt. (10 Minute Beach Body here I come)
  7.  Write something on my blog everyday, even if it is just one word.
  6.  Have a family dinner at least 1 night a week, hopefully more but I need a do-able goal.
  5.  Call my parents EVERY morning instead of every couple of weeks or so.
  4.  Listen more and try to solve less for the people in my life.
  3.  Actually mail the birthday cards I buy for friends instead of waiting for the Good Fairy to do it.
  2.  Enter at least 1 writing contest a month.
  1.  Send out at least 5 query letters a week.

There.  Now let's see what happens.

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