Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Can you keep a secret?  I can, it's one of my super powers. That and my ability to make stuff up at the drop of a hat.  My kids call it lying, but lie is such a strong word.  I prefer to say I just have a vivid imagination.  I can't help it, God made me this way.  Funny thing is, everything I blog about is true and has really happened.  Evidently I reserve my tall tales for the kids.  Just one more nail in the coffin when they drag me before the judge for the sanity hearing I'm sure.

But we were talking about secrets weren't we, not lying.   People keep secrets about all kinds of things.  Their age, weight, how far in debt they may be. I asked Ray for some suggestions of what folks keep secret and he says what happens at bachelor parties and how much money you spend on shopping trips.  Uh whatever.  The bachelor party thing?  He hasn't been to one in a coon's age so I'm guessing the statute of limitations has run out on any of those events.

Tonight, after eating at our favorite Mexican Restaurant, I went to Office Depot.  I didn't really need anything, but I have an office supply and Chapstick fetish so I decided to pop in and see what was new in the world of post-its and pens.  (I scratched my Chapstick itch earlier in the week when I picked up their newest flavor; Green Apple.  Give it a whirl, I think you'll like it.)

While perusing the clearance rack, something down on the bottom shelf caught my eye.  A product called:
My Secret Underwear Pouch.   Seriously?   Is the pouch supposed to be the secret or the underwear?    This falls under one of those "Let's have Granny for dinner" categories doesn't it!  

I of course HAD to purchase the pouch, which I might add came with no instructions, explanation nor drawers of any kind. 

This very secretive pouch is made of a very durable plastic, with lovely hot pink drawstrings (much like the ones you see on gift bags) as the security measure taken to keep your unmentionables secretive. 

According to the packaging, this product was also Fabrique' en Chine.  For us southern natives, that would be Fabricado in China, and for those of you that don't speak Spanish; Made in China.  Again with the importing of products!

Even though they were over on the bargain table, it seems I paid the full retail price of two In God We Trust American dollars for this item.  Imagine my surprise when upon opening the clear cellophane wrapper I discovered not one, but TWO pouches for my secret keeping pleasure.  Wow, what a deal.

I can't seem to bring myself to recommend this product as a stocking stuffer since I'm sure there's not very many men out there that want their honey's toting around a stash of secret drawers much like they're doing with their rat hole money.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps this product is for those, shall we say, mature women who occasionally have a need for a place to stash their "oops I sneezed a little too hard" drawers?
