I found that after having my children, I still liked wearing my hair long, but it was becoming a nuisance. It seems that while holding a sick infant in your lap, if the child is vomiting into your cupped hands, you need to grow two more arms in order to have enough hands to hold back your hair or your hands won't be the only thing that needs washing. Who'da ever thunk it? Vomit in your hair and it wasn't because you overindulged on cocktails! Who signed me up for that?!
I learned many lessons from my girls, and your better off putting your hair up in a ponytail was one of them. Don't get me wrong, the spewing didn't last forever, but my desire to have flowing locks ended when they kept getting caught up in the closures of disposable diapers or crusty with boogers. All in all, it was just better to wear it up or in my case cut it short.
Something else I learned, if at all possible, while your children are toddlers, it is best to wear a shirt that can be tucked in. You may not always have a tissue handy, but a shirt tail will do in a pinch. You just tuck it back in and no one is the wiser. Wait, now I'm chasing rabbit's. What was it I was talking about? Oh, yeah, hair.
At the same church that labeled me the girl with a thousand hairstyles, I met one of the best friends a girl could ever have, my friend and partner in crime, Trina P. Many an adventure has began on the top of my head and she has been there right behind me, poised over the chair ready to give her opinion, encourage, or nix any idea that I may come up with in regards to what to do with the hair on my head. You find yourself a good friend that can also did your hair, well, you have yourself something special!
This past Tuesday, Trina was kind enough to trim my hair for me. She was very patient as always since I had mentioned the previous week that I might want a perm...might. She will tell you that translates into I am bored with my hair and while everyone else thinks it looks great that is not good enough because I don't think it looks great. Ya'll should really pray for her, cause I imagine she is gonna need some of the vertebrae in her neck replaced after all these years of shaking her head at me.
I felt that since I am currently in the market for gainful employment, it would be best if I was, well, looking my best. That is why I got my hair trimmed. Today, while attending yet another class at the unemployment office, I noticed something on the ground ahead of me as I approached the sidewalk leading into the building. At first I thought it was a necklace made from a piece of leather. Uh, no. It was a rat tail.
Now, I don't mean the tail end of an actual rat like Templeton from Charlotte's Web. I'm talking about the hairstyle that was popular in the 80's. Apparently someone decided that before entering the unemployment office they should rethink their hairstyle as well, and do their very best to tidy up a bit . I guess whoever it was, found it beneath themselves to pursue a career in trash collection considering their total disregard for the available trash receptacles and instead chose to litter.
Don't get me wrong, I, of all people, believe in freedom of expression, especially when it comes to your hairstyle. I myself have sported every hair color normally found in nature and a couple only found in a bag of skittles, so I'm no goody two shoes about it. I just don't understand why they just threw there on the ground instead of in the trash. Perhaps they knew I would be walking by and wouldn't be able to resist blogging about it?
Either way people, if your gonna try and do a little personal grooming in the parking lot of an establishment, let's limit it to clipping your nails and clearing any bat's outta the cave. If you feel the need to go hacking away at your rat tail or mullet, for crying out loud, throw it in the trash!
© 2010 Annette Bagley-Martin
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