Saturday, February 6, 2010


Have you ever crossed paths with a giant?  Just been clicking along minding your own business and all of a sudden been brought up short with one right in your path.  A reallllllly big giant, so big you have to tilt your head waaaayyyy back just to take it all in and the top of its head is still up there in the clouds somewhere.  No?  Well, then you are one of the lucky ones!

A few years back I came toe to toe with a giant.  It's name wasn't Goliath.  My giants name was Abnormal Pap Smear.  It's last name was Pre-Cancerous Cervical Cells.  I'm sure any of you guys out there that might be reading this are thinking ewww gross.

Well, I can tell you right now, I was thinking a whole lotta things.  I started at Oh Crap! and worked my way to Oh Woe is Me.  I was on a emotional roller coaster.  To tell you the truth, I have decided I'm not all that keen on roller coasters anymore.  Give me a merry-go-round any day.   On a merry-go-round you can get on and off at just about any point in the ride and your risk of injury is very slight.  A roller coaster?  Well there my friends you are at the mercy of the ride.  Once your strapped in you had better hang on!

giantAfter receiving the phone call from my doctor telling me about my traitorous body, I came to realize  that on most things in life we have a very distorted view.  Until it is up close and personal we will never realize how large it really can be.   We hear about things that are happening to other people and think to yourself how unfortunate that is, and how we will be "praying for them " or "thinking about you" and then we ourselves end up with a giant of our own to slay.  Gives us a whole new perspective, I can tell you that!!

My giant, I beat back with a not so simple procedure and Lord willing it will remain a sleeping giant.  I have friends out there that are currently gathering stones to arm their slings with which to fight their giants.  I pray that they are successful.

I am so very thankful that at that time in  my life I was already a believer of Christ for I can tell you that I do not know how I would have been able to endure the days and nights that lead up to and through the my medical treatment.  How am I today?  Well, so far so good, Lord willing things will continue in that vein!  I hope so, I've got alot to live for.

Sounds hypocritical doesn't it?!  I'm a child of God, I'm supposed to be eagerly awaiting the Lords return for me.  Well, I am!  But I'm human too,  I want us all to go at the same time!  You would be a liar if you said you hadn't felt the same way at one time or another.
Are you facing your giant?  If so, here is a passage that brought me comfort, perhaps it will do the same for you:

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.  Philippians 4:13

I have found that He will!!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how I missed this one last month, but glad I saw it today, good one.
    I'm in the mood to knock down some giants!
