Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Brrrrrrr I'm Fweeezin'

I have been hearing rumblings about snow showing up in the greater metropolis of Douglasville Georgia tomorrow. I’m a little skeptical, but this is what “they” say:

Tomorrow: Partly cloudy skies during the morning hours will give way to cloudy skies with a mixture of rain and snow developing in the afternoon. High 41F. Winds WSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of precipitation 60%

Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I don’t believe that it will actually snow; it is just that if I want it too much it won’t actually happen. So, shhhh don’t say nuthin' to nobody.

I remember in 1982 we had such a bad ice storm that my dad had to park his truck on interstate 20 and walk home from Fulton Industrial Boulevard. It was around 16 and half miles from there to where we lived off of Highway 5 in Cherokee Manor. I can’t imagine how cold that walk must have been in a thin blue work uniform and work boots.

Actually, I have mixed emotions about the whole thing. I have come to the point in my life where I would prefer my world stay at a steady 73 degrees and sunny at all times. This cold snap has gotten me a little out of sorts!

It has actually been so cold in my office that I am certain I could see my breath while talking on the phone today!  I thought I would get smart and buy a pair of cheap gloves and cut the fingertips out of them so that I could stay warm and at the same time remain productive.

Well, I should have considered the fact the gloves were made from a luxurious velour type yarn and their cut ends are now raining little black bits all over my desk. It looks like someone shook a bunch of dead gnats out of the light fixtures overhead.

I’ve considered taking up smoking just for the simple purpose of having an open flame close to my nose so that it doesn’t get frostbite. Don’t worry; I will do it Clinton style and not inhale.

I’m trying really hard to layer my clothes to help keep my body insulated.  I haven’t mastered the art of wearing two pairs of shoes at the same time yet, so I have lost all feeling in my feet. I am wearing the thickest socks I own, but somehow it is still not enough.  I need to take the time to look up the symptoms of hypothermia because lately I hear the phone ringing alllllll the time, even when it’s not. Is ringing in the ears attributed to hypothermia?

Why do I secretly want it to snow despite my current misery? Well, it seems like such a waste to be this cold for this long and not get a little of that magical wonderland that snow seems to bring to the landscape. So, here’s hoping………


  1. Oh, the storm of 1982. Remember it well. I was working at Warehous Groceries, way up on that hill that seemed so much steeper with ice and snow on the ground. There was even a rush for bread and milk back then. I hated my job that day.

    As for today, I'm totally with you on the 73 degrees and sunny year round. This week we couldn't even go to Florida and get that!

  2. I won't say the S word, but I do have my big pot of soup made just in case.
    I have two extra heaters in the living room, a couple of good books in case this worthless uverse is not working as usual, all my ugly warm clothes are clean and waiting and lots of socks. Just in case God grants me the pleasure of seeing him turn my world glistening white.
