Saturday, January 9, 2010

Your Space MyFace

I have always loved technology. As pitiful as it sounds, I remember the first time I realized this. I was in high school and taking typing. This is where I was introduced to the IBM Correcting Selectric II typewriter. To quote Ian Gold, “From there, it was all she wrote”.

After that there came call waiting. What should have been a great thing turned out to be a bit of a double edged sword. I will never forget those first couple of months after call waiting came out. Did any of you guys have the pleasure/frustration of trying to walk your parents through the finer points of taking that second call? While they were on the phone with you?

Mom:      “Annette, don’t forget the next time you come by to bring my cake plate back....what’s that noise?”
Annette:   “What noise mom, I don’t hear anything.”
Mom:      “There it is again. Ohhh, I think it’s another call.”
Annette:   “Well, just click over and see who it is.”
Mom:       “How do I do that?”
Annette:   “Are you in the kitchen, on the wall phone? Push down on the button that hangs up the phone and it should connect you.”
Mom:      “I’m not on the kitchen phone, I’m on the cordless.”
Annette:   “Oh (crap) push the flash button then.”
Mom:      “Where’s the flash button?”
Annette:   “I’m not sure mom, they vary from phone to phone. I don’t think you need to bot...” Mom… mom?”
 Ring, Ring
Annette:   “Hey mom.”
Mom:       “There was no one there and it just hung me up when I pushed that button on the base!”
Annette:   “You took too long to click over, they hung up. You were supposed to push the flash button. You only push the button on the base if there is no flash button.”
Mom:      “Well I couldn’t see a flash button. This is crazy, I don’t like this call waiting.”
Annette:   “I’m with ya mom. I’m starting to not like it so much myself…..”

After call waiting there came pagers, fax machines (which held all the mystery of Wonka Vision for me and still does to this day!) Cellular phones, computers, and the list goes on.

My kids are now experiencing what I felt in trying to explain call waiting whenever I say; “How do I change my profile picture, or chat with someone or find someone to ask them to be my friend? How do I put something on their wall?”

Alex:    "You comment, mom."
Me:      “Oh. Are you going to be my friend, I invited you.”
Alex:    " Are you going to comment on my wall mom?
Me:     “I might.”
Alex:    "Just don’t embarrass me…….. "

I don’t see it, but I can feel Alex rolling her eyes and sighing as she trudges over to instruct me on the finer points of Facebook. She better watch out, I’m not all that old and while my mom didn't come out of the technology shoot so fast she has done a great job of catching up.  I too shall give my kids a run for their money!

When I do get old, I plan to be like those two brothers on Second Hand Lions so she ain’t seen nothin’ yet!


  1. I love that movie, watch at least once a year.

  2. I was having deja vu reading your dialoge with mom. Reminded me of the conersations in the car going to family for holiday and mom asking about the cards.
