Sunday, January 24, 2010

What Do You Want To Be?

I figured out why grownups ask little kids what they want to be when they grow up; they're looking for ideas! I have actually always had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to be, it has just taken me to this point to actually believe in myself enough to do it. What about those out there that haven't figured it out yet? What will they do?

I suggest if you are afflicted with IHAVENTGOTTACLUEIAMJUSTGETTINGBY then start with whatever you most wanted to be as a child. Those of you out there that are middle age and wanted to be ballerina's and astronauts, well, I'm not so sure you will be able to achieve that dream but perhaps you could be involved in your desired profession in some other way. The middle aged ballerina wanna be could perhaps work for a company that teaches ballet or someother area of the industry. You get my drift. Don't let the dream die even if actively participating in the main event is out of your grasp.

If you are able to go for what you considered your dream job as a child, all the better! Start out by envisioning yourself at your most successful point in this position. What is your life like? How is your family life? What about your spiritual life? How is your financial position? What are the Pro's and the Cons? If your desire is to own a business, how many employees do you have? etc and so forth.

You must then work backwards and mark each step that brought you to the successful achievement of your desired profession! All they way back to your jumping off place. If you will do this, you will find yourself with a basic outline of the steps you could take to achieve your dream.

You want to be a teacher? Then you will need a teaching position with a school. For that, you will need a degree. You will have to go to college for a degree. Student loans or grants are necessary if you do not have the available funds to pay for schooling outright. Applications will have to be made to obtain student loans and grants. When will you find the time for school? Do you currently work and will need to go to school at night? How will you fit going to school in with your current family life? See? Work out your plan to achieve your goal! Try to envision what obtacles you might come up against and your plan for overcoming them.

Something important to keep in mind as you work out your success journey in your mind; don't be so wrapped up in your vision that you sacrifice what can never be replaced. If you have a family keep in mind that your goal of success is not worth it if you will not be able to enjoy all the benefits together. Never sacrifice your loved ones for the big bucks. The things in life worth having cannot be purchased.

My definitions of rich and wealthy are this; wealthy people have the money to do or buy whatever they want, rich people have all the things that money can't buy. Do you want to be rich or wealthy? There is nothing wrong with wealth, just don't become poor trying to achieve it.

What do I want to be when I grow up? A writer.....what do you want to be?

©  2010  Annette Bagley-Martin

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