Sunday, January 31, 2010

Boggin' On My Noggin'

I have spent this entire weekend with one of the worst weather related headaches/migraines I have had in awhile.

The temperature has hovered around the high twenties and the wind has been really whipping around. Even though my house has been a toasty 70 - 72 degrees it feels as if there is a block of ice sitting on the right side of my head. I finally resorted to pulling on my black toboggan and was relieved when my head finally felt warm. Blessed relief at last! I get tired of taking meds for these headaches so anything that I can do to feel better and not be all doped up is a nice change!

The funny thing is, Abby never thought twice about me wearing my "beanie", as they call it, inside. Alex on the other hand felt the need to point out the fact that I was indoors and had it on. As if I had transitioned from outside and just plain forgot to take it off. OKkkkkkkkk. I told her it was the only thing that was helping to relieve the icy cold sensation that was making my head hurt. She just blinked at me and moved on.

Ray was gone to a Men's Conference most of the day and came rolling in around 3:30. He took one look at me and asked; "What's up Mushmouth?" I had to admit that was pretty funny and we then had to explain to the kids who Mushmouth was. That's kinda sad dontcha think? I really enjoyed Fat Albert when I was a kid, I wonder why its not on anymore? Is it politically incorrect? I'm not sure.

I have never really understood the whole politically correct thing to begin with. That became apparent the year Alex was 4 (she is 18 now mind you) and I dressed her as a bag lady for Halloween. I was approached by another parent that said my daughter was politically incorrect for wearing that particular costume. I said, "No, she is not politically incorrect, she is a bag lady." I then turned to my friends and whispered; "What does politically incorrect mean?" They just laughed and said that my picture was next to the definition in the dictionary and not to worry about it. I later found out that one definition is this: "a term denoting language, ideas, policies, and behavior seen as seeking to minimize social offense in gender, racial, cultural, sexual orientation, handicap, and age-related contexts."

Ok, whatever. I decided that I would continue to treat others as I would like to be treated and if that meant someone was gonna dress up like me for Halloween, well then, more power to them.

I will admit, I have a totally inappropriate sense of humor and find that it is best if you are thin skinned, all into what is political, correct or incorrect, public school vs private school, paper or plastic, chunky peanut butter or creamy, well, just about anything the least bit controversial for that matter, you might want to steer clear of me. Cause' I'm gonna make you nuts.

It's my job. Ask anybody that knows me, they will tell you.

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