Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Happy To See You

Ray’s Paw Paw, also named Ray, used to be a public school bus driver before he retired. It takes a very special person to be a good bus driver.

Let me just say this; I ain’t that person. I can hardly imagine it. Would I? Well, if I had to. If there was absolutely no other way to make it, then yes, I would drive a school bus. Something I am sure no one is ready to experience, especially me. I feel certain that I would snatch them all baldheaded. It’s not a thought, it’s a feeling.

I once asked Ray how he stood it. I don’t even take my kids to the store with me if at all possible. Don’t get me wrong, I like kids well enough. I just don’t relish the idea of hauling them around, especially a whole busload of 'em. His response? He said that he was happy to see them all. Some he was happy to see getting on the bus and some he was happy to see get off the bus. I was rather amused by his reply and at the same time impressed. What a neat way to put things into perspective.

The estimated population by the world census bureau for December of 2009 was 6,787,257,817. That’s a whole lotta people! Chances are, unless you are a total hermit, you’re gonna cross paths with one or two of them. Between work and home I come in contact with quite a few people myself. With all the misery that goes on in this world wonder what it would hurt to do our part in making this ride the best we possibly can for us all?

Sure there is gonna to be times when you’re not going to get the window seat. There will also be those times when you’re not able to sit with your best friend, but instead you’re stuck with booger-eatin Bob. At times other people’s behavior will ruin the ride for the rest of us, but soon it will be our stop and we will be getting off.

I hope that when it comes to this life that people are glad they got to sit by me and that I remember that just because the people around me are not like me, they are a very important part of the ride. What a boring life it would be if we were all just alike!

More importantly, I hope that people are happy to see me coming instead of going!


  1. You have simplified a very complex problem. If we all strived to make people happier to see us coming then going what a pleasant world this would be. I like that thought a lot!

  2. One of my favorite online videos is, "A train Ride" You can google it. It is one of those videos you watch...then have to take a few steps in silence. It changed my life.
