Tuesday, January 12, 2010

One Plucky Chick

I am sitting here reading Cosmopolitan Magazine, which I never do. I was needing some blogging fodder as my family behaved quite normally today.

The police blotter contained nothing that gave cause for second glance. The only notable item in the classifieds was a name change notice. When the notice was typed up the name they were changing from and the name they were changing to were exactly the same. I wonder if they will have to start the whole public notice process over since that was obviously a typo.

Now where was I? Oh yeah, Cosmo. The particular item that caught my eye in was in Beauty Q+A, where “every month, we answer a bunch of your burning beauty questions.” No lie, that’s what it says.

A reader sent in the following question:

I plucked off almost all my brows. Can I fill them in without getting a drawn-on effect?

OKKKKKKKK. I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer but I will take a stab at this one. Unless you’re an expert at Trompe L'Oeil, it’s going to look like your drew them suckers on!

Cosmo suggested that this person (who apparently has a nervous habit) remember the three F’s. They are as follows:

Fill: In the entire brow, not just bald spots
Fix: Extra thin areas
Feathering: Finish by feathering out the color

Seems to me that once you Fill you won’t need to do the Fix step. I’m just saying. Feathering? This is the chick that plucked them out to begin with. She’s probably gonna end up with a look that will come to be known as the Farrah. When it comes to your eyebrow’s that’s not a good look for anyone!

Why did they leave out the important tips? You know, like Color. Always, always, I cannot stress this enough, always use a color that closely matches your hair color. Always.

Another tip that should have been disclosed is Arch. Never, ever arch you eyebrows reminiscent of a Barnum and Bailey’s Circus clown. Never.

If anyone can think of any other tips for this poor girl, please be sure to share them and I will be sure to post them!

1 comment:

  1. They make false eyelashes. I wonder why nobody ever came up with false eyebrows.
