Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years Day 2010

Well, so far today I have taken gigantic steps toward my Top Ten for 2010:

1. I have phoned my parents and wished them a Happy New Years.

2. I’m obviously updating ya’ll on my every move so I’m blogging today like I said I would.

3. I have refrained from any do-it-yourself barbering, so my quest for longer hair is still on track.

I plan to mosey on down to my home gym at 6pm for my workout. Soon, there should be a much healthier me. Honestly, I just want to look better. Who are we kidding? I live by the credo of SNL’s Fernando of Fernando’s Hideaway: “I look marvelous, but I don’t feel marvelous. Which is hokie-dokie for me, because, as you know, it is better to look good than to feel good”.  Pitiful but true.

Tomorrow I plan to pick up the ol’ banjo and see if I still remember what little I had learned before I let life get in the way of my musical endeavors. Not too shabby huh! You know they say, “Those that fail to plan, plan to fail.”

I must confess though.  Today I have only been out of bed long enough to make a pot of coffee, take a shower, put on clean lounging clothes and eat a piece of pecan pie before I passed out from hunger.

I know, the pecan pie is counter productive to the workout and I have no excuse. It was there, I ate it. The shower, well, I probably wouldn’t have gone ahead and done that till later today, but my good friend Doug was dropping by to return a borrowed item.  In the spirit of trying to keep from frightening him to the point of losing a year of his life, I made myself presentable.

As far as posting to my blog. Well, I started this post at noon and here it is after 4pm. I’m still at it since my ADHD has really kicked in and I had to stop so that I could flit around like a butterfly on the web. Oh, yeah, I also dropped Abby off at a friend’s house, so that took some time too.

To many of you out there these don’t sound like giant steps, but they are! I did take the shower, and I didn’t bring the entire pie back into the bed with me to graze on throughout the day, so there.

1 comment:

  1. Your making leaps and bounds!!! I've quit smoking and need to get into shape. A friend told me those 2 were impossible at the same time..... but, I beg to differ!! I'm begging to be different!!!!!! Love Ya!
